Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm a Published Author!

I have always enjoyed keeping a journal and writing for self-pleasure, but when asked to undertake the Kunshan Expat Magazine column for my school, I was a bit apprehensive.  At first, I dismissed the idea wondering what kind of fool I might look like in a magazine that caters to general managers and CEOs in the area.  They might laugh at my writing and say, I can't believe she spelled this wrong! or worse yet, What's wrong with her?  She calls herself an English teacher?

I mulled over the idea for a few days, and with a little coaxing from Chitrak, I decided to do it.  I have now written, created, and published three articles showcasing Kunshan International School.


1st Publication:
Here is a link to my first article publication:
Find my article on pages 16-17, titled: What's Happening at Kunshan International School?:

2nd Publication:
Find my article on Pages 20-21, titled:  Kunshan International School:  An International Community of Learners.

3rd Publication:
Find my article on Pages 16-17, titled:  Children Are Our Future.

Shopping in Kunshan

Parkson Mall Kunshan’s newest western-style mall opened last fall of 2011.  It is a mix of high fashion stores, including over 260 w...