Thursday, December 19, 2013

Work on SATURDAY?!

Here's to another oldie that I wrote almost a year ago.  I never thought I would get this up and posted.  Ahhh... Finally!  Enjoy this short story from March 2013:

Go answer your phone, I tell Chitrak, in hopes he will silence it so we can go back to our movie.  It's like any typical Friday night.  We just finished our dinner and have curled up in a blanket on the couch watching our latest addiction Lost.  His cell phone rings violently on the table.  He jumps up and walks across to our dining room to retrieve it.

Hello this is Chitrak from Ryerson China, how can I help you?  Since it is both Chitrak's personal and work phone, we never know who is calling.  Oh, hey!  Chitrak says in a friendly tone, What's up?

I have paused our show, and silently move next to him.  On the other line I can hear a perplexed young man's voice ask, Do we really have to work tomorrow?

I purse my lips to keep from laughing out loud.

No one's told you yet?  Chitrak said.  Oh man, I hope you didn't have plans!

It's every expat's surprise.  Since it is commonplace here, no one really goes out of the way to tell you about it.  However, this is China.  Saturdays and Sundays CAN BE working days.

Keep in mind international citizens, the working culture is slightly different here.  At most companies, including schools, you are expected to make up the holidays over the weekend.  For example, if you have a holiday on Wednesday during the week, enjoy every minute of it, because you will eventually make it up on Saturday the following weekend (or the day determined by the Chinese government).

So now you know.

Walking Around Kunshan     March 2013

Shopping in Kunshan

Parkson Mall Kunshan’s newest western-style mall opened last fall of 2011.  It is a mix of high fashion stores, including over 260 w...