Saturday, January 31, 2015

What's That Incredible Flavoring You Use?

Is he tying his shoe?  Did he drop something?  
WAAAAAAIT!! Is that a manhole??  Oh dear, it is!!

Recently, I watched a clip online of some clever entrepreneurs doing their best to help the world reduce waste... almost literally!  In a way, you have to give them kudos for their imaginative creativity.  However, I think you will agree with me when I say "recycled oil" may not be your thing.

In China, it is common practice to dump oil down the sink where it makes its way below the city streets and bumpy sidewalks, straight into the sewer.  It appears that there is a large top layer of oil sitting there, sad and lonely, just waiting to return to its glory days.

It is then that hardworking immigrants trying to support their families, come with buckets and large ladles in hand, for collection.  The mixture that they gather is then taken to a distillery, where it is cleansed with cleaning agents and resold for a reduced price in the market.

Chitrak and I happened to chance upon it as we exited one of our favorite haunts.  Yes, it even happens in Kunshan.  I stared with shock and wonder as the man bent down to take the manhole cover off.

Ahhhhh, I realized as I noticed the mush spilling onto the sidewalk, That must be why there are black oil stains around the manholes in town!

It is illegal in China, and the government does its best to stop this "gutter oil" production, but with such a large population it simply can't be eradicated.  Know that the gross part really isn't that it is a mixture of oil and unknown sewage, because after the distilling process, it is pretty clean.  It is the chemical agents that you consume that make it a health risk and dangerous.

Words of advice:  be wary of street food and check out their oil bottle first before ordering.  Better safe than sorry I always say.  :-)

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