Saturday, September 10, 2011

Farewell RPIA!

I can't believe it is already here, my last day of teaching at RPIA.  It has been my home for almost 2 years now, and I will never forget the memories I have had during my stay there.

It is hard to believe that in two weeks from today, I will be on a plane to China and will not be back for at least one year.  My life will change drastically:   the food, language, and customs will all be foreign to me.  Chitrak and I are very excited for our journey to come, and we invite you to be a part of it!  Please keep in touch with me through this blog,  or email me at

Since you are here, you MUST check out my photo gallery!  Find the pictures at the bottom of the website page.  You can click to see the photo enlarged, or click on "View My Gallery" to see my Indian wedding pictures!

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  1. To post a comment, you must have an email address. Then, write in the white box and press "Post Comment" button. I will respond as quickly as I can!

    I believe you can comment on my Picasa picture albums without an account. Click on "View My Gallery" and "Explore" my photos. Make your message as long as you like! :-)


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