Monday, May 13, 2013

Long Time No See!

Hi Guys,

So its almost been a year since my last post.  So many things have happened since last August.  Chitrak and I have moved out to the West side of Kunshan, closer to my new job at the Canadian International School Kunshan.  We've finally settled into a beautiful new apartment complex overlooking the stunning Yangcheng Lake.  We've had to make a lot of adjustments to our lifestyle, but still can't imagine being anywhere else.

Ryerson Annual Party 2013

In the past year, we've had visitors from abroad stay with us.  We've been able to share with them a glimpse of our lives here in the East.  We've visited Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou.  We've said good-bye to many friends who have moved on to better things. We've faced many challenges and have had to make difficult decisions about our future.

During our time here, our language skills have strengthened... despite what we might tell you.  It's interesting that you don't notice how much you've learned until you interact with a newcomer. Our confidence and ability to be independent has also grown.  Instead of relying on the aid of others for things like moving, we have successfully found how to do it on our own. 

Moving to the CISK Teacher Apartments 2013

The longer we live here, the more and more we see ourselves as locals, and not as temporary foreigners that pass through.  Just recently, we have had some serious discussions on getting our driver's licenses, and with that, purchasing a vehicle.  We have since then decided to put it on hold.  Instead, we thought it more economical to upgrade to a newer e-bike (a moped with a rechargeable battery).  We stopped at no expense, finding the "Cadillac" of all e-bikes.  It even has cruise control.... 

Exploring with the new bike.  We finally found Metro!

We are Kunshan Ren.
Please stay tuned for more stories....

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