Sunday, June 29, 2014

Learning Chinese: Numbers

Do you enjoy shopping?  The best way to navigate the Chinese markets is to know a few numbers before stepping in.  I think you get a better price   :-)

The numbers don't easily run off your tongue, so pay attention to the hand gestures the woman uses in the video.  All people understand this sign language, so in case there is some misunderstanding, you can pull it out and people will know. (For example, there are still times I cannot differentiate between 4 and 10.  They can sound very similar!)

Happy studying!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Most-Know Chinese Words & Phrases

Níhăo, or hello from China!

Basic Phrases (and Responses)
0 Ling or
2 (number) Èr
2 (things) Liăng
3 Sān
6 Lìu
9 Jĭu
10 Shí
11 Shíyī 十一
12 Shier 十二
13 Shísān 十三
27 Èrshíqī 二十七
100 Yībăi 一百
101 Yībăilíngyī 一百零一
110 Yībăiyīshí 一百一十
114 Yībăiyīshísì 一百一十四
1000 Yīqiān 一千
2222 liăngqiānliăngbăièrshíèr 两千两百二十二

You May Hear...
Welcome! huānyíng guānglín 欢迎光临
Is the food okay? [Yes/No] hăochī ma? [hăochī/bùhăochī] 好吃吗?[好吃/不好吃]
Do you understand? (meaning) míngbái ma? [míngbái/bùmíngbái] 明白吗? [明白/不明白]
Do you understand? (listening)      tīngdedŏngma? [tīngdedŏng/tīngbùdŏng] 听得懂吗? [听得懂/听不懂]
Foreigner lăowài 老外
Good friend hăopéngyŏu 好朋友
Smoke? [Thanks/I don't smoke] xī yān ma? [xièxiè/wŏbúxīyān] 吸烟吗? [谢谢/我不吸烟]

You May See...
Entrance rùkŏu 入口
Exit chūkŏu 出口
Car (of a train) chē
Center (as in Shopping Center) zhōngxīn 中心
China zhōngguó 中国
Street jiē

Around Town...
Kunshan                           kun shan             昆山

swimming pool                                      

you yong guan 


the Kunshan mountain 

ting lin gong yuan

gym                                  ti  yu guan          体育馆       
exhibition centre (big ball)  ke bo guan                      科技博物馆
Kunshan Library                              Kun shan tu shu guan      昆山图书馆
train station                            huo che zhan               火车站
long distance bus station        chang tu qi che zhan       新客站
tingling road(shopping)          ting ling lu                 亭林路
renming road (shopping)       ren min lu         人民路
RT MART darunfa (supermarket)        da run fa chao shi        大润发超市
TESCO (supermarket) le gou  chao  shi        乐购超市
Lotus Centre (supermarket) yi chu ai lian chao shi         易出爱莲超市
Swisshotel                                                     shang mao jiu dian 商贸酒店
Kunshan International Hotel kun shan bin guan  昆山宾馆
Shanghai                                                 Shang hai            上海
Suzhou Suzhou                                   苏州
Soccer field (behind Swissotel) ti yu guang chang   体育广场
Forest park sen lin gong yuan 森林公园
Bar (for drinking) jiu ba                                    酒吧
Nightclub/disco                 ye zong hui 夜总汇
Coffee      shop/café                                             ka fei guan     咖啡馆
Kunshan book store kun shan shu dian 昆山书店
Hello Níhăo 你好
How are you? hăoma? 好吗? [我很好/还可以/我不好]
   [Good/Okay/Bad] [wŏ hén hăo/hái kéyĭ/wŏ bù hăo]



Thank you [You're welcome] xièxiè [búkèqi] 谢谢 [不客气]
Excuse me (sorry) duìbúqì [méiguānxì] 对不气 [没关系]
Excuse me (I have a question) qĭngwèn 请问
Where's the toilet? cèsuŏ zài nálĭ? 厕所在哪里?
How much? (money) duōshăo qián? 多少钱?
This Zhège 这个
That Nage 那个
Shall we go?/Let's go zŏuba? 走吧?
I don't understand (what you said) tīngbùdŏng 听不懂

Thursday, June 26, 2014

iEat Kunshan

Stand back, or at least don't get in the way of me and a plate of food...  I'm likely to fight you for it!  

The comfort foods of home taunt me from afar, and I can't help but cave in to their demands.  At least once a week, you'll find us in our favorite spot at any one of the local restaurants in town.  We love them ALL.  Keep an eye out and say hello... maybe even grab a picture with me (because as it appears, I must take a lot of pictures before I eat my feast)!

VIEWER CAUTION:  May cause hunger.

BBQ Unicorn, Kunshan

Indian restaurant near the Pearl Market.

German Restaurant in Xintindi, Shanghai

C-31, Kunshan

C-31, Kunshan

Indian Restaurant Dapuqiao, Shanghai

TGIFriday's, Shanghai

Kunshan Beer Festival, representing!!

Lost Heaven, Shanghai

I can't remember.....

Lecker's, Kunshan

Little restaurant somewhere in the Bund Plaza.  It's now become tradition to visit.

............did I mention I'm a terrible cook?  I don't know why!

Shopping in Kunshan

Parkson Mall Kunshan’s newest western-style mall opened last fall of 2011.  It is a mix of high fashion stores, including over 260 w...