Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Helpful Websites for China Expats

Sometimes going to the store can be frustrating - at times, it can be a game of skill and wit as you shamelessly drive your grocery cart through the aisles like a NASCAR professional, then wait a grueling 30 minutes in the check out line, all for just one bottle of milk.  Or it can be troublesome - a reluctant and three times failed attempt to pull yourself up off the couch to face the cold, drizzling rain into town to see they are out of your favorite coffee for tomorrow's breakfast.  Sigh.

Most locals, and now many foreigners, are online shoppers.  It can be a little intimidating at first, but is something extremely doable and can help you be a more independent person abroad.  Everything can be found online, even groceries.  Just remember to view the pages in a friendly web browser like Google Chrome.  I prefer Chrome as it translates all Chinese to English for me. :-)

Glance at the hodgepodge of websites below to see how they can best fit your needs.  I especially recommend to any newcomers to China to take a look at the things you can purchase here (so you don't have to carry extra things with you).  I think you will find that we live in a global market, where China has mostly everything, IF you are willing to pay the price for it.

  1. http://www.kunshanexpat.com/                  Kunshan Expat Association
  2.  http://www.chinatrainguide.com/               High Speed Train Schedules
  3.  http://www.chinatrains.com/                     More Information On High Speed Trains
  4.  http://www.cityshop.com.cn/                    City Shop, a Western Grocery (Suzhou/Shanghai)
  5.  http://www.yihaodian.com/1/                    Online Chinese Grocery, Minimal Shopping Fees
  6. http:// www.taobao.com                            Online Chinese Store, Similar to “Ebay”
  7. http://english.ctrip.com/                            Affordable Traveling/Vacation Deals
  8. http://www.amazon.cn/                             Online Shopping
  9. http://www.youku.com                              Movie Streaming, like YouTube
  10. http://www.pptv.com                                 Movie Streaming
  11. http://www.shanghaidaily.com/                 Local English News Website
  12. http://kunshan.meituan.com/                     Chinese Version of "Groupon"

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