Sunday, July 13, 2014

Learning Chinese: Chinese Characters

Learn the Chinese characters easily with Chineasy!

Ok, I admit, I HATE when people describe things as "Chineasy."  It's typically used in a negative way:
   "Nah, that shirt is too Chineasy!"
   "Yikes, this driving is sooooo Chineasy!"
   "Look at the way he is sitting!  What a Chineasy thing to do.." 
It makes it sound like the culture, customs, habits, cuisine, and fashion are just "weird."  Let's get it straight people:  NOTHING here is weird, it's just different to what we might be used to.  Enough said.

So, the other day, my father-in-law forwarded me this video.  I read over the title "Chineasy" and felt a little repulsed. Great, what cold this possibly be about?

It is GREAT!  In this TED Talks video, ShaoLan Hsueh presents her method of learning the Chinese characters in a painless, fun way.  She calls her book "Chineasy."  After watching the link, I am in love... and I can't help but love the use of the term!  ;-)  Looks like I have a new book to read...

Check out her TED Talks video here:

You can purchase ShaoLan's book on Amazon ( a Kindle version!) here: 

Chineasy Website:

Here is a link to ShaoLan's personal website:

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