Monday, February 13, 2012

New Year's Resolution

So much has happened since I've written my last article, I have had trouble keeping up with my blogs.  Therefore, I have made a New Year's Resolution (yes, in February... I follow the Lunar Calendar along with my fellow Chinese colleagues!), I will update my blog at least once a week.

Hold me to it!

In my high school English class, I had my students journal about their New Year's Resolutions.  They were very aware of this tradition, and made general comments about how they want to better their English.  They didn't win too many brownie points with me though, as they are a pretty transparent class.  For example, the other day I noticed one of my students sauntering up the staircase during break.  As I smiled a hello to him, I caught a glimpse of his cell phone tucked within the sleeve of his shirt.  He turned a ghastly white when I caught him and began to apologize with the reason he had it with him.  With a stern look, I put the "F.O.G.," or the "Fear Of God," into the boy.  A proud moment in my teaching career, with a special thanks to Raymond Park Intermediate Academy.  I don't think he will be bringing it back into class again.

There are many dreams I have for the New Year.  I promise to keep you posted on my progress.

Happy New Year!  Or should I say 新年好

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