Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Don't Monkey Around

And I'm not talking about the three monkeys sitting on the bench behind me ;-)

 I will be going to India this Fall and I am incredibly excited - a chance to visit with family and experience more of India.  I hope to come back with more of my fun tales.  Here is one I wrote on our trip back in October 2012 when we visited Shimla.  Enjoy!

At the zoo, you sit behind a glass fence and think to yourself, “Hey, look at those cute little monkeys!”  On the contrary, my dear friend.  In fact, they are not so cute at all.  All confidence dwindles when, from atop the trees, a loud chatter and violent shaking from the branches demands your attention.  Your pace quickens, eyes scanning the view above. Clutching on to all your precious belongings, a sudden and growing concern of a possible monkey-attack creeps into your mind.  It doesn't help that your brother-in-law points out a limping older woman staggering in the distance, commenting nonchalantly, "Oh, she was attacked by monkeys just a few weeks back.  She had to go to the hospital afterwards."

Oh, brother!!

I find myself trying make peace with the little rascals if we meet along the roadside, as I nervously whisper, “Good monkeeeeey, nice monkeeeey!”  They are not so darling face-to-face.  With the rude, cockiness of a teenager, they don't even blink twice walking up next to you, eating your food, and even inviting themselves into your home without invitation.  On one occasion, I witnessed a man enjoying his dessert on a bench outside a sweet shop.  A monkey came up behind him, plucked the cake off his plate, and walked leisurely down the street, shamelessly munching away. 


Can you spot the monkey?

This is a langoor...  a really BIG monkey!
And that woman in the picture?  That's my mother-in-law!  :-)

To other good reads on my Shimla trip, please see my story called Honey-Man and Him-AHHHHHHHHHH-layas!

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